Sunday, April 17, 2011


It is promised that inspirational topics will be relinquished to you periodically. Here is another morale booster of Employees. Read on.

Prime concept of the Bill is to cater for neglected workers that are left in the cold to be hard beaten by weather storm, to bear their fate especially when they are incapacitated during the course of carrying out their official assignments.

The ECA contains provision for rehabilitating workers that are injured on course of executing the routine services. This includes monetary terms such as cash payment and kind as in treating the workers until they are able to resume work to ensure continuity of wages for such workers until they attain retirement or relieved due to old age.

Paramount in this ECA is that workers do not need to contribute to any scheme, but the employers are expected to pay one percent of workers’ pay. This is a relief to workers

The ECA changed the previous employers’ attitudes to any injured employees that were predominantly ruled by being at the mercies or gesture of the employers. This is a radical change from the past unhealthy situation and the ECA complies with the provision of International Labor Organization otherwise know as ILO that operates on Social Security, which Nigeria is also belongs to.

The implementation is ceded to NSITF by the senate.

At the Stake-Holders meeting held recently in Lagos, the place of contract or casual workers in the new scheme came under focus

After the passage of the Act, the Act ought to be effective implemented by January 1st 2011, but due to challenges a future dated had been fixed by the State-Holders’ Meeting for January 2012. This undue delay was turned down; it was resolved that implementation is to take off by July, 2011.

NSITF is expected to put her house in order before July this years to meet the workers need as decided by the Stake-Holders’ meeting. And she is expected to open branches in all the States capita for effective implementation and efficacy.

The Executive Secretary of Association of Food, Beverages and Tobacco Employers, brought under focus that 1% gross pay deduction, should only capture the basic, transport and housing, leaving other emoluments out of it.

Managing director of NSITF added that his organization would ensure 80%, customer satisfaction levels by delivering unique life time is experienced. He further assured that NSITF workers performance would determined by their passion for the services and ability to excite her customers, both internally and externally

The organizational chart has been carefully designed to support her business strategy, which aims to provide low cost, highly quality services to the entire economy. The organization has adopted primary centered location model as headquarters located in Abuja, as the pivotal for her services to coordinate all undertakings. Her present 28 officers of the fund and work towards re-opening offices in the state capitals where there are none in existence. This is to bring her services nearer to the people.

“The fund will enter into mutually beneficial alliances and leverage on its partnership with stake holders – labor unions – public and private, employers association, federal, state and local government and their agencies. The success of the scheme no doubt lies in the effective buy – in by all stakeholders. It is, therefore, important that national interest, common good and reason are not compromised. Hence, the fund is embarking on sensitizations program – part of which is why we are here.” - Said, the Acting Managing Director on partnership and alliance.

Modus of Operandi

“We are putting in place a system that would enable the employers to register online using the relevant forms. On submission of the duly completed form, the system will generate notification of registration for the employer to print and retain a copy. The generated notification of registration of certificate contains the employer’s identification number. All employees are to use the employer notification number as enabling key for their registration as members of the scheme on submission of the completed forms on line, the system generates certificates of membership for each employee. The system has been designed to interface with payment portals such as inter-switch, e-transact etc. The industry standard is to allow the end user handle the data capture employers/employees register them via Internet. However, it is envisaged that given the level of computer literacy amongst the Nigerian worker and that on inception large number of people would register, provision will be made for marketers to be equipped with laptops and EVDO Internet modems and attached to organizations to facilitate employee registration. In addition help desk local area network, linked to Internet via satellite in major city branches is being established to assist both employers and employee in the registration process.” Said the boss of NSITF

NSITF boss noted that “the envisaged compliance challenge would adopt persuasion and enlightenment adding that the NSITF would encourage voluntary compliance. NSITF
would partner with stakeholders and other relevant government agencies at all levels to conduct enlightenment campaigns aimed at informing and empowering employee based on the assumption that knowledgeable employee will drive compliance. It is common knowledge that scheme like this thrives best where all stakeholders co-operate. Dialogue and consultation with stakeholders would be institutionalized.”

He further, said that “NSITF was not unmindful that not all employers would fulfill their obligations. This raises the detection selection – problem in registration.
There is the likelihood that employers that register voluntarily are more likely to be in compliance with occupational health and safety guidelines while those that would not register are less likely to be so. The fund has, therefore, designed an effective monitoring system through scheme ownership by the stakeholders that would guarantee willful registration by all.”

You will agree with me that the hope and morale of employees on Social Security will be revitalized shortly.

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